How To Fix Short Cycling Sump Pump

How To Fix Short Cycling Sump Pump

Uncomplicated but crucial, a sump pump is a fantastic thing to have in your basement. It essentially consists of a motorized pump housed in a bucket that is buried beneath the floor of your basement or crawlspace. It is important for homeowners to know how to fix short cycling sump pump. As groundwater seeps in, it gathers in the bucket, the pump activates, sends it back outside, and your basement remains dry. In today’s Blog we will talk about how to fix short cycling sump pump. So Keep reading!

Sump Pump Short Cycle

Sump pumps are intended to operate sporadically and only cycle on when there is enough water in the bucket. If your sump pump turns on and off quickly every few minutes (or even every few seconds) for a long period of time, especially when there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it, that is a problem known as “short cycling.” In this situation you get worried about how to fix short cycling sump pump!

Short cycling will damage your pump and almost certainly point to a sump system issue. If your sump pump runs continuously or in short cycles even if there doesn’t appear to be a problem with increasing water, then you must be worried about how to fix short cycling sump pump.

This article will examine reasons for Sump pump short cycling and provide a brief outline of how to fix short cycling sump pump.

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Sump Pump Keeps CyclingCauses

After keeping your basement dry for several months, your sump pump suddenly began turning on and off every few minutes. Despite your efforts to turn it off, it simply keeps turning back on. What is happening? Your sump pump could be cycling for a number of reasons as below.

Float Switch Stuck

The float switch on your sump pump controls when it turns on and off. Your sump pump will continue to run if the float switch is stuck in the “on” position. The float switch could also get caught in the “off” position, which would stop your sump pump from operating at all.

Overworked Sump Pump

If your sump pump is operating continuously or if it turns on and off more frequently than usual, it may be overworked. A clogged intake screen, a leaking pipe, a lot of rain, or melting snow are just a few causes for this. You must identify the root of the issue if your sump pump is working too hard. You can clean the intake screen yourself if it is clogged.

Pump Is Destroying

Sump pumps have a finite lifespan, just like other mechanical equipment do. Your pump may be showing signs of wear if it is sufficiently old. As a result, the pump may operate less effectively and possibly stop working altogether.

Frozen Discharge Pipe

If the output line is frozen, your sump pump may be acting up for another cause. If the pipe is exposed to frigid temperatures for an extended period of time, this may occur. You must defrost your discharge pipe if it is frozen. Use a hairdryer or pour hot water over the frozen pipe portion to thaw it out. To keep the pipe from freezing again after it has defrosted, wrap it in insulation.

Problem in Power

A power outage may cause your sump pump to turn on and off if it is plugged into an outlet. This is due to the fact that the pump will operate when the power is restored but will shut off once more in the event of a power outage.

Loss of Adequate Air Charge

The loss of a enough air charge in the water tank is the most frequent cause of water pump short cycling. Older homes with non-bladder water pressure tanks are particularly susceptible to this issue. The good news is that finding a solution for this specific issue is not too difficult.

Unable to Supply Water

A blockage in the water supply piping, such as a blocked water filter, is another typical reason for water pump short cycling. It can be brought on by a water filter that is just slightly blocked. Once the pump is turned on, the blockage quickly raises the water pressure.

How To Fix Short Cycling Sump Pump

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If your sump pump runs continuously or only cycles even if there doesn’t appear to be a problem with increasing water, you must think about how to fix short cycling sump pump. It is important to follow these instructions.

Examine the water levels

Check the water level in your sump bucket as soon as possible. Sump pumps are made to activate when the water level threatens. However, groundwater levels can change. For instance, a severe downpour that raised the water table could be the cause of your sump starting to cycle. More water seeps into the bucket since it is higher under your house, and your pump diligently flushes it out.

Examine the Float Switch

Sump pumps, like toilets, have a “float” that initiates the pump cycle. Exactly how it sounds is as follows: a floating plastic ball over the water. The float rises along with the water level in the bucket when it reaches a predetermined level, which activates a switch and cycles the pump. The switch disengages as the float drops back down as the water is pumped out.

Investigate the check valve

The check valve is a plumbing miracle that restricts the flow of water to one direction. It can be located on the drain pipe that leads up and away from the pump. If your check valve isn’t functioning properly, your pump will become Sisyphus, repeatedly pushing the same water out of the bucket.

Verify the drain line

Your pump’s discharge pipe may be blocked, frozen, or otherwise compromised. The pump will eventually cycle continuously in an unsuccessful attempt to clear the water if it can’t force the water out of the home (into the sewer or out into a properly graded backyard). If it’s extremely cold outside, you might need to warm out the drain line for your pump. If not, you might need to engage a plumber to inspect and, if required, clean out the drain line.

Think about capacity

Finally, if your sump pump short cycles continuously, and you are looking for how to fix short cycling sump pump it could be possible that your pump or liner may be too powerful or too weak. Your pit and liner are made to handle a specific amount of water, and sump pumps vary in horsepower and capacity. If pump is too powerful, it will short cycle because it can quickly handle little amounts of water; if it is too small, it will run continuously because it cannot remove all the water that is present. Additionally, you may experience similar issues if your bucket liner is the incorrect size.

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In this blog, we have provided you guidelines for how to fix short cycling sump pump. If you’ve tried everything else and your sump is still cycling short, talk to a plumbing expert about the improper working.  Hope this article will help you best in how to fix short cycling sump pump! Thanks for Reading.

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